The Dhaka Times
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The world's most expensive and terrible war story

The Dhaka Times Desk We have heard a lot about warships or warships. They are used in war-prone states of the world. Today there is such an expensive and terrible war story.

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According to media reports, such a dangerous and technologically expensive warship is going to be added to the US fleet. It cost 13 billion US dollars to build. This luxury ship is named - USS Gerald Ford.

It is known that the warships and aircraft carriers that America has so far are the largest. About 1100 feet long. It weighs more than 1 lakh tonnes. This warship is capable of producing almost three times more electricity than other warships. Because of this, the ship will be able to take off and land 25 percent more warplanes with the newly designed Inektro Magnetic Aircraft System. The ship has accommodation for 4,400 staff. Also, this ship is capable of carrying more than 75 aircraft of the latest Nimitz class of the United States.

Since there is no major war going on at the moment. Why spend this huge amount of money on the merits of building this ship or what? Questions have also been raised about the creation of Gerald in various circles.

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