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Google's new technology: touch screen is going to revolutionize!

The Dhaka Times Desk Thanks to technology, everything in the world is changing overnight. The pace of progress is unstoppable. Now Google's new technology is going to revolutionize the touchscreen.

Google's new technology

Science is advancing at an unstoppable speed. The story of the science fiction movie seems to be taking shape in reality. The scientific discoveries of the present age seem to beat all fictions. This time, the top search engine Google is ahead in the innovation race. It is known that Google's Soli project has recently developed a new interaction sensor. It uses radar technology. It can detect finger movement. It is capable of capturing 10,000 frames per second.

It is known that this is the first time such a device has been invented by Google. With this any device can be operated like a remote without touching hands. Small size computer chips are also used in that device. Detects the hand movement and sends it to the virtual dial machine. Thus, with the help of it, the sound of the speaker can also be reduced and increased. It also works as a virtual touchpad on the smartphone.

According to media reports, these chips also have a small gesture recognition radar. At a short distance it can detect hand movement and capture it in the frame. Can also capture incredible hyper speed. This small chip can be connected to any other device and used.

However, Google's project is in the testing phase. If it succeeds, there will be no such thing as a touch device. The device will listen to the gestures of the fingers. If fully functional, it will be able to bring about drastic changes.

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