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Rats also dream like people!

The Dhaka Times Desk We have never heard of such a thing before. But this time such a thing surprised everyone. And that is the rat that advanced in intelligence or dreams like people!

Rat & dream

Scientists have said after a long study that rats, like humans, use the hippocampus to map their surroundings in their brains. The hippocampus plays an important role in consolidating information from short-term memory into long-term memory. And the most surprising thing is that rats, like humans, dream about the future.

Researchers have long found that when a rat cannot reach its destination, it draws a map in its dreams to reach its destination. Researchers believe that this kind of research can give us a better idea of what happens in dreams during sleep.

According to a news report, when the mouse is in a certain location, place cells or place cells are activated. This is exactly how these cells function when the mouse is asleep. Rats also dream about their past locations while sleeping.

Researchers have long found that rats not only dream about their past locations, but they also dream about where they want to go in the future.

The researchers say the hippocampus helps us imagine the future, as well as encoding our past memories, the report said. However, there are some people who cannot imagine or dream about future events due to damage to the hippocampus.

Researchers have obtained a clear understanding of the human hippocampus from this study on mice, and they believe that it will be particularly useful in the study of human dreams and future thinking.

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