The Dhaka Times
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Deformed selfie with dead grandfather!

The Dhaka Times Desk We wouldn't have believed where selfies are being taken day by day without seeing this picture. A teenager took a selfie with the dead grandfather with distorted gestures!

John Osama

We wouldn't have believed where selfies are being taken day by day without seeing this picture. A teenager took a selfie with the dead grandfather with distorted gestures! The person took a selfie with the dead person by bending his nose-tongue-mouth. Then after it was posted, there was a storm of criticism on social media.

A teenager from Madinah, Saudi Arabia committed this act of depraved mentality. The teenager took the selfie standing on the left side of the grandfather's bed, who recently breathed his last in a hospital. Immediately after uploading it, the teenager himself uploaded it again. The selfie with a bent nose and tongue out is captioned - 'Vidaya, Dada' (Goodbye, Grandfather), conveying the 'feeling', 'sad'.

The UK-based Daily Mail reported that other social media users were shocked after the selfie was posted on Facebook. They were outraged by such a senseless behavior of that teenager.

Later, a complaint was filed with the concerned authorities. The concerned law enforcement department of Madina has started an investigation after taking the complaint into account. One of the officers of the department said, "Who gave the opportunity to the young man to enter the hospital and hand over the selfie - they are also being searched."

Abdur Razak Hafed, Head of Madina's Public Relations and Media Department said, 'This incident is under investigation. What that teenager has done is not only reprehensible but also heinous.'

Another lawyer, Saud al-Harbi, said, "If the teenager is not punished for this senseless behavior, others will not be afraid to do the same."

All in all, a storm of controversy has arisen in Saudi Arabia including the whole of Madinah regarding this selfie. The way the current generation is obsessed with selfies in recent times, we have to see more of it in the future!

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