The Dhaka Times Desk The story of a lighted tree that spreads light on the road. Have you ever heard of such a tree? Today we have such a story for you.
We know that the lampposts on both sides of the road provide light throughout the night. This light plays a special role in our path. What if there was a tree without electricity that would light up the street? Dutch designer Dan Rusagarda and his colleagues are working to give people around the world a highway like that. And for that they are working with bioluminescent jelly and bacteria.
One of the reasons for this is that even when the jellyfish is underwater, it emits light automatically due to its bioluminescence. And with this material, the Dutch scientific team is going to spread bioluminescent plants. The whole city will be lit without electricity due to the planting of these trees! The idea of this tree comes from the heads of students of Cambridge University. They took genes from the jonaki and the luminescent bacterium 'Vibrio fischeri' to create a type of light-producing enzyme. Then insert it into the gnomes. They call it 'Bio Bricks'. The light-producing plant was first discussed a year ago with a Kickstarter campaign. Rusgarda of the research team is working together with Krichevski to develop this bioluminescence plant on a large scale. They believe that they will succeed.