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The story of a Mexican drug lord who escaped from prison! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk The story of Joaquin Guzman, a Mexican drug lord who escaped from prison, will be presented to you today.


The government of Mexico has released an exclusive video of Joaquin Guzman, the famous drug kingpin of Mexico, who cannot even be held in jail.


According to media reports, the video recorded by the special surveillance camera shows that Guzman once entered the bathroom of the prison cell, then came out and sat on the bed. Again going behind the wall of the bathroom and peeking down to see something. Guzman changed his shoes while sitting on the bed for the last time. Then he hung the towel on the wall of the bathroom and went inside. After that he was not seen again. Although these scenes were videotaped, the hole through which Guzman escaped through the tunnel is not visible in the video. Another video shows the location of the tunnel after Guzman's escape. The one and a half kilometer long tunnel has a motor cycle facility. There is also adequate provision of light and air. And this is how Mexico's drug lord Joaquin Guzman escaped.

It should be noted that he was arrested in Guatemala in 1993 and has been serving a sentence for more than 20 years. In 2001, he first escaped from jail in a laundry basket. He was arrested for the second time in February 2014. The arrest of Guzman is seen as a special success of the Mexican government.

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