The Dhaka Times
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Hundred skeletons in a small house!

The Dhaka Times Desk We sometimes hear about skeletons. We have heard of skeletons being found in some slaughterhouse or some desolate forest. But this time I heard about hundreds of skeletons being recovered in a small house.

skeleton of a small house

Such a news in the media attracts everyone's attention. Actually the house was a small burnt down house. The wooden roof has collapsed in several parts. Upon entering, there were many skeletons scattered on the floor. The number is around one hundred. Hamin Mangha is a 5000 year old village in Northeast China. During the excavation there, the research team was surprised to see so many skeletons in one house.

After the skeletons were recovered, archaeologists said they were 5,000 years old. The skeletons are all of young men and women. Age between 19 to 35 approx. No old human skeletons were found among them.

The house where the skeletons were found is very small. Only 210 square feet. And so the question may arise why so many skeletons together in that small house?

Archaeologists think that perhaps an epidemic broke out at that time. And many people died because of it. Perhaps the situation was so dire that the bodies could not be cremated. And so it was brought to that house and assembled. Then maybe the house was set on fire. But archaeologists are conducting research to unravel its mystery.

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