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The story of a horrible snake island in Brazil

The Dhaka Times Desk There are many islands in the world. But today there is a story of such an island that is the story of a horrible snake island in Brazil.

Brazil's horrific tale of a snake island

The island of 'Iha de Quimada Grande' is the most dangerous snake island in Brazil. This island is occupied by snakes. It is located 90 km from the coast of Brazil. There are so many snakes living on this island that you can step on the ground
It is also difficult to get a place. And these snakes are also very poisonous. The amount of poison they emit in one bite can kill an adult person instantly.

Brazil's horrific tale of a snake island-2

According to one information, the reproduction rate of a species of snake named 'Golden Lancehead' is also very high here. A snake can give birth to about 50 babies at a time. The main food of snakes is sea birds flying from different places. These terrible snakes survive by eating these birds that are tired of flying.

Itanhaem_SP, 22 de novembro de 2011Expedicao para a Area de Relevente Interesse Ecologico (ARIE) Ilha Queimada Grande para producao de reportagem para a revista National Geographic Brasil sobre a reserva e sua mais ilustre moradora, a Jaraca Ilhoa (Bothropides insularis).Foto: JOAO MARCOS ROSA / AGENCIA NITRO

There is no human settlement on this island. The reason is that it is forbidden for tourists to go there. Scientists can visit the island only with permission for research. But it is difficult to find a man who takes the credit of going to the island of this terrible snake except some brave person.

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