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Even in the dark, you can take bright pictures with Canon cameras!

The Dhaka Times Desk Technology is constantly advancing. Advances in technology are constantly adding new features. Now a new Canon camera has arrived which can take bright pictures even in the dark.

Dark pictures & Canon camera

Canon's camera reputation goes back a long way. Almost all Canon cameras can take pictures with brightness. However, Canon has brought a new camera that will be bright even in the dark of night. Canon's favorite camera for 5D or 7D filmmakers. But this time the iconic Canon 1D camera has been brought into the EOS range of DSLRs. Canon started a breakthrough by introducing another camera, the ME20F-SH model. Canon is bringing the ME20F-SH to the market to beat brands like Ari and Red, especially in digital movie production.

Dark pictures & Canon camera-3The lens of the camera is the open part

Canon told the press, the new model 1080p camera is made with multi-dimensional work in mind. This camera can also be used for movie making, wildlife documentaries or night security. The main attraction of the camera is the SIMS sensor. Canon has also spent a lot of time and money on this technology. With this camera, it is possible to capture colorful videos even in pitch darkness.

Dark pictures & Canon camera-2The back of the camera

The camera is very light. The camera weighs only 1.1 kg. Again, other old Canon lenses can be used in this camera. One of the amazing specifications of the camera is the minimum subject illumination of 0.00005 lux. This camera will clearly show the small object in a completely dark room. The back of the camera body is full of ports and buttons. Canon authorities expect that this camera will be in great demand among professionals.

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