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Found a rare species of white whale!

The Dhaka Times Desk He was seen in the movie as white. But in reality? White whales have never really been seen before. A rare species of white whale has actually been seen!

rare white whale

Those who have read the story of Herman Melville's 'Moby Dick' may not have forgotten. And those who have not read the novel or who have seen the Hollywood movie based on that wonderful story may not have forgotten. After a long time, a similar Moby Dick was seen in Australia's Gold Coast. Which means, a rare species of white whale. This type of albino whale is known as 'Son of Migaloo'.

This species of whale was first seen in Australia's Gold Coast in 1991. Then after a long time this white whale was seen.

The albino mammal was originally known as 'Son of Migaloo', SeaWorld director of marine science Trevor Long told the media. Experts said that the age of this white whale found at present is 5 years. Researchers are endlessly interested in this whale. They are conducting research in various ways. Everything, including the movements of these white whales, has become the subject of research for researchers.

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