The Dhaka Times
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Check out some of the rare photos of rare white lions caught on camera

The Dhaka Times Desk We have all seen many pictures of lions. But many of us have not seen the rare white lion. See some rare photos of the rare newborn white lion caught on camera for the first time.

the white lion

This white lion looks very beautiful. This newborn white lion is white with feet. This newborn white lion of rare species is currently the new sensation in the technology world.

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This white lion can be found in the Timbavati region of South Africa. This species of lion is so rare that there are only 13 of these white lions alive in the world. Of these 13 white lions, 6 are adults. One of these adult lions gave birth to this baby lion.

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Lion cubs stare at something

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They play with other lion cubs

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They bite if they move any branches

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Grasshoppers or nothing escapes their notice

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