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Multiple mobile bank accounts are being closed

The Dhaka Times Desk Multiple mobile bank accounts can no longer be opened on a single SIM. These accounts are being closed. The central bank has issued a notification in this regard.

mobile bank

One person is using multiple SIMs. But the opposite is happening in mobile banking. Opening multiple accounts from one SIM. Henceforth a person can open an account with a mobile banking company from one SIM but multiple accounts cannot be opened from one SIM. In the meantime, those who have more than one bank account in a mobile banking institution should keep any one open and close the others - instructions have been issued in that notification of Bangladesh Bank.

Last Thursday, the central bank issued a notification in this regard. All Scheduled Banks operating in the country have been instructed to conduct activities according to this notification. These instructions have been given to ensure transparency in mobile banking, prevention of various types of crimes and its proper use.

The notification states that henceforth a customer cannot open multiple accounts with a bank or subsidiary providing mobile financial services. Those customers who have already opened multiple accounts of a mobile financial services provider bank or subsidiary, should keep one account active and close the remaining accounts immediately.

Currently, 19 banks are operating this mobile banking program in the country. Their number of customers is about 2.2 million. And there are 5 lakh 16 thousand agents.

It should be noted that there are many complaints about these mobile banking from the beginning. Bangladesh Bank has issued this notification after verifying these complaints and analyzing various issues.

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