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The British waste the most food in the world!

The Dhaka Times Desk There are countries in the world where many people are starving due to lack of food. There are also countries in the world where food is wasted. The British waste the most food in the world.

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Billions of people around the world still go hungry. How many do we look for? When many people in the world go to sleep without a handful of food, the people of Europe are wasting a large amount of food for no reason! Meanwhile, the British waste the most food in the world!

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According to a survey, the European Union countries waste 22 million tons of food every year. And people in the UK waste the most food. Such information has emerged in a study by researchers supported by the European Commission.

A study published Wednesday in the journal Environmental Research Letters examined data from six countries to analyze the sources of water and nitrogen lost through consumer food waste.

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Studies show that 80 percent of food waste is avoidable. It has been found that the British waste the most food. If every British citizen wastes 1 tin of beans per day, the British waste the same amount of food every day. Romania has the lowest rate of food waste, but they also waste a lot of food, the study found. The amount of food Romanians waste is equivalent to wasting an apple every day.

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Teaching people in those areas to shop more carefully and plan their food intake could help reduce food waste, the researchers said. In that case, the cost of food will be reduced and the negative impact of wasted food on the environment will also be reduced.

Davy Vanham, who led the study at the European Commission's Joint Research Centre, said: 'Food is often thrown away when it's still good. However, it is often done because the sell-by date has passed. There is something we can do to avoid this.

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Vanham said the data from only 6 of the 28 EU countries was chosen because the data from other countries was not as reliable.

The survey was conducted with data from Britain, Denmark, the Netherlands, Finland, Germany and Romania. According to the survey, the most wasted vegetables, fruits and grains. Because it is not possible to keep them in the house for a long time. But huge amounts of meat are also thrown away. This causes greater loss of water and nitrogen sources.

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