The Dhaka Times
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A college student left the house and lives on the train!

The Dhaka Times Desk People's place of residence is house or house. But one can't help but be surprised if anyone leaves that house and lives on the train. A college student left the house and lives on the train!

college student living train

We know that after reaching the train station everyone gets down to go to their respective destinations. This is the normal rule. But an exception happened in the case of a college girl. Because everyone got off the train but he stayed on the train. Because his house is now that train.

The name of this college student is Leonie Muller. He now considers the train compartment as his home. Leonie, a German college student, left her apartment and took refuge on the train last spring. That is, now the train is his home.

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In an interview given to the Washington Post, Leoni said, 'The first problem with the house started due to a dispute with the landlord. Then I decided I would not stay in that house anymore. I understand, I really don't want to be anywhere else.'

That's why instead of leaving one flat and looking for another, Leoni bought such a subscription package. Through this pagette, he can board any train on any route in the country whenever he wants - without any separate fare. And since then he has made the train his home!

Leoni does her daily routine including showering in the bathroom of the train. He studied sitting in the compartment of a train moving at a speed of 190 miles per hour. Compared to the previous flats, Leonie feels very independent in this 'train house'.

Leoni added, 'Trains feel like my home. I get a lot of peace to stay here. Not only that, through it I can meet friends and travel around different cities. It's almost like always going on vacation.'

23-year-old Leonie's different lifestyle has been reported in the German media. His story has become the talk of the town.

It should be noted that Leoni is also benefiting financially by living in the train. In this way, the cost of traveling by train is 380 US dollars per month. But in the previous apartment, his monthly rent was 450 dollars.

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