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This time IS destroyed the ancient temple in Palmyra!

The Dhaka Times Desk This time IS destroyed the ancient temple in Palmyra, Syria. Several of the temple's famous Roman columns were also destroyed in the blast.

destroyed the ancient temple palimira

This time the Islamic State IS militants destroyed the ancient temple in Palmyra, Syria. Several of the temple's famous Roman columns were also destroyed in the blast. Mamun Abdul Karim, head of the country's archeology department, told the media that several of the temple's famous Roman columns were also destroyed in the explosion.

It is known that this 2000 year old temple called Baal Shamin was a part of the world heritage recognized by the United Nations. The archaeological site was destroyed a few days after the killing of a prominent archaeologist in the country. Palmyra was important not only to Syria, but to the entire Middle East.

According to the BBC, a part of it was built before 2000 BC. The interior of the temple was completely destroyed in that attack.

It should be noted that the Islamic State IS took control of the city of Palmyra in Syria last May.

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