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IS announced a reward of 1 million dollars to hand over the young woman!

The Dhaka Times Desk Militant organization IS has announced a reward of one million dollars to hand over this young woman named Joana Palani!


Joanna Palani is 23 years old. She is a young Kurdish woman living in Denmark. In 2014, he dropped out of university and joined the fight against the Islamic State (IS) militant group on the side of the Kurds. This is how IS gets stuck. Recently, IS has announced the price of this young woman's head is 1 million dollars!

According to a PTI report citing The Independent, Joanna is currently in Denmark. He is on trial for allegedly going to Syria and Iraq to fight against IS in defiance of the ban. If found guilty, Joanna could be jailed for two years.

After returning to Denmark after fighting for the Kurds, the young woman has been receiving threats on social media and in public. IS is the latest addition to this list of threats. IS has announced a million dollar reward for Joanna's death on its social media and various websites.

In response to the threat, Joanna wrote on her Facebook page, 'Why should I be threatened or fighting for the forces that Denmark has trained and supported to fight against ISIS?'

In her Facebook status, Joanna said, as a Danish woman, she fought for the Kurds, inspired by the European philosophy of democracy and women's rights that she grew up with.

Note that the original home of Joanna's family is in Kurdistan, Iran. Joanna was born in a refugee camp in Ramadi, Iraq during the first Gulf War. Joanna's family later sought asylum in Denmark and were granted asylum. Joanna studied political science at a university in Denmark before going to fight for the Kurdish forces in 2014. Joanna left Denmark to fight against IS.

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