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Syrian forces recaptured Palmyra after freeing IS

If this claim of the Russian forces is true, Palmyra will be freed from IS for the second time

The Dhaka Times Desk Syria's oldest city, Palmyra, has been liberated from the Islamic State (IS) and recaptured by loyalist forces.

আইএস মুক্ত করে পালমিরা পুনর্দখল নিয়েছে সিরিয়া বাহিনী 1

Last Friday, BBC Online reported that Syrian forces liberated Palmyra with the help of Russia. If this claim of Syrian and Russian forces is true, Palmyra will be freed from ISIS for the second time.

International media reported that the Syrian army and pro-government forces have entered Palmyra after IS fighters withdrew.

Bashar al-Jaafari, Syria's ambassador to the United Nations, confirmed the truth of this information last Thursday, saying that Palmyra has been liberated from IS. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has kept his promise by ousting IS from Palmyra.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a UK-based monitoring organization, said that before leaving Palmyra, IS planted mines in various areas of the city.

IS fighters were driven out of Palmyra in March last year. However, IS recaptured Palmyra in December.

It should be noted that ISIS captured Palmyra for the first time in May 2015. They destroyed many historical structures including temples listed as World Heritage.

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