The Dhaka Times
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Live video broadcasting facilities came to Facebook!

The Dhaka Times Desk Facebook is now offering Live Video Broadcasting through the Mention app! High-profile journalists can also stream live video from anywhere through Facebook.

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Journalists, experts with verified profiles will be able to broadcast live videos using this Mention app, Facebook said. The app was initially only available to select stars/celebrities. Journalists will now be able to broadcast live news with the help of this app.

Vadim Lavrusik, Facebook's product manager, said they wanted to unlock the potential of Facebook for journalists. That is why this initiative has been taken.

Not only that, but with the help of this Mention app, users can understand what people think about their news, according to media reports. If desired, the user can also select his audience. Journalists can decide who to share news with.

However, in order to use this mention app, the customer (ie journalist) must have a verified page or profile on Facebook. Anyone can apply for verified status. But only eligible candidates will be verified.

Basically this mension app was launched last year. However, the facility of live streaming with the help of Mention app started last month.

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