The Dhaka Times
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Now the children are eating Facebook!

The Dhaka Times Desk In this era of information technology, the word Facebook has gained special recognition. In a word, the current generation is addicted to Facebook. Based on that formula, Facebook is going to make a stir among children. Now the children will eat Facebook!

children eat Facebook

Now children will have Facebook in their hands. Already the children of Pakistan are opening the packet and chewing one by one this Facebook! A company in Pakistan has made such snacks. Children are chewing these Facebook snacks like chips!

According to a report, these 'Facebook' snacks have become very popular snacks in Pakistan's Swat Valley. However, the real Facebook authorities still do not know the news of this 'Facebook business'. This company is doing business under the name of the globally popular social media Facebook.

Again, the campaign strategy of this Pakistani organization is also of a different nature - 'Like, Share and Eat'. In fact, the children and teenagers there have become crazy with this slogan. Not only children but also young people are eating these Facebook chips.

Ajmal Khan, the manufacturer of Facebook Snacks, said, 'Keeping in mind the popularity of Facebook among the youth and adults, we have named our snacks with this name. This plan worked great for us. Our sales of this product are skyrocketing now.'

Student Abid Ali said, 'We buy Facebook chips for fun. I often eat it while using Facebook.' He commented that snacks are also very popular like the Facebook website.

According to media reports, another reason for the rapid popularity of Facebook chips is the low price. Although the chips are not distributed for free like the free used Facebook website, the price is much lower than other snacks. It is only Rs 5 in local currency of Pakistan. Due to which there is more influence among buyers.

Note that this is not the first such naming of snacks in the tribal region of Pakistan. A snack called 'load shedding' is also introduced due to power problems. On the other hand, a snack called 'Drone Baba' has been released in the market because US drones are regularly attacked in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa!

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