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New coalition to tackle cyber risks

The Dhaka Times Desk As the use of the Internet increases, so do the cyber risks. Related companies are joining forces to secure Internet-enabled hardware devices.

cyber risks

For this reason, at least more than 30 companies, including multinational telecommunications company BT, Vodafone and chip maker Intel, have taken the initiative to work together to keep Internet-connected devices error-free. That is why organizations have already developed a new platform called Internet of Things Security Foundation.

This platform will basically work to create internet-friendly hardware by eliminating the flaws and weaknesses of smart gadgets. At the same time, it will help to increase the technical capacity of the member organizations to deal with the faults of Internet of Things or Internet enabled devices.

Evolving Internet-based devices have started to play an important role in daily household tasks as well as communication. Under this platform, these internet-friendly devices will be kept under surveillance from now on. It has been reported that if any error occurs, it will be resolved from a remote location.

Welcoming this initiative, technology experts said that the initiative will remove the worries of the smart gadget users of the future.

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