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DNA samples are being taken to identify the dead Hajis

The Dhaka Times Desk This time many people died due to several accidents while going to Hajj. At first, it was possible to identify all of them, even if the crane was killed by the collapse. But DNA samples are being taken to identify the Dalits killed in Mina.

DNA samples and Haji

As there is no other way to identify those killed during the holy Hajj in Mina, Saudi Arabia, the collection of DNA samples has finally begun. The collection of these samples has been started at Al Noor Specialist Hospital in Madinah.

A committee has been formed to oversee the Saudi Hajj activities and rehabilitation of victims. The committee said that DNA collection of relatives of missing Hajids has started. Director of Al Noor Specialist Hospital, Ayman Yamani, told the media that the Ministry of Health of Saudi Arabia has assigned the hospital to collect DNA from the relatives of the deceased Hajids. Al Mosem Emergency Complex has been entrusted with the responsibility of keeping the dead body if it is identified through DNA testing. Therefore, if the relatives of the deceased Hajid are in Saudi Arabia, they have been requested to contact these hospitals or complexes.

On the other hand, if there is no relative of the deceased Hajid in Saudi Arabia, they will be asked to send the DNA test results to the Ministry of Health of their respective countries. Later it was informed that the next steps will be taken through cooperation between the health ministries of the two countries.

It should be noted that during the Hajj, many pilgrims died in Mina, Saudi Arabia as Dalits. All of whom have yet to be identified.

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