The Dhaka Times
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8-year-old child killed for puppies!

The Dhaka Times Desk An 8-year-old child was killed for a puppy. The gruesome murder took place last Saturday evening in the US state of Tennessee.

8-year-old child death

Another 11-year-old boy shot and killed the 8-year-old boy after he was not allowed to see a dog, according to media reports. Police have charged the boy with murder.

"The boy shot the child, a neighbor named Makayla Dyer, with his father's shotgun," police said. When asked about the reason for the shooting, he said that his dog did not let him see the cub.

A neighbor told the media that after hearing gunshots, he found Makayla lying on the grass with a gunshot wound. The boy will be produced in court on October 28.

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