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Many mysteries about the moon!

The Dhaka Times Desk The mystery of man going to the moon is getting worse one after another. Now the moon has many mysteries!

mystery of the moon

Ever since the beginning of the earth, when people have the ability to judge, there is no end to the research on the moon. Despite being 239,000 miles away from Earth, it always attracts us.

Scientists are continuing their research to unravel the mysteries of this moon. In the research, various information is being revealed again and again. However, scientists are not getting the edge of the mystery.

Garbage on the moon

Garbage has been spotted on the moon. There is about 200 tons of debris on the moon. From 1969 until now, 12 astronaut missions have abandoned satellites, rockets, cameras, backpacks and golf balls, etc. NASA sent a polycarbonate capsule to the moon to remove all this garbage.

The moon is slowly disappearing away

Every year the moon is moving away from the earth by about four centimeters. In other words, after 500 million years, the moon is expected to move another 14,600 miles away.

The moon is responsible for the moon?

Even in the Middle Ages, many philosophers and scientists believed that heart disease, fever and rheumatism were affected by the full moon. Because many unusual behaviors were seen with the moon. Because of which the moon was considered to be sick since then. Which is known as Chandrahat. Is it really so? This mystery still remains a mystery.

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Footprints on the moon!

Scientists have seen footprints on the moon. But the only thing to worry about is that even after going to the moon 40 years ago, how are there still footprints? So are there really aliens on the moon? Or, that thought is also not correct. Is this the footprint of the first people who set foot on the moon in 1969? So, even if there is no sun, rain, water, wind, etc. on the moon, the footprints still remain there?

Such mysteries still baffle scientists. But research is still going on about the moon, and will continue in the future.

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