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The moon is getting smaller!

The Dhaka Times Desk Anyone can be surprised to hear such a thing. The word is - the moon is getting smaller! This amazing information has been given by the US space agency NASA.

The moon is getting smaller

According to media reports, the moon, the only satellite of the earth, is getting smaller with time. And this world is also behind the contraction of the moon. NASA claims that Earth's tides play a role in this contraction. The US space agency NASA got the information by analyzing the data sent from the spacecraft 'Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter' (LRO) camera.

This spacecraft was launched in 2009 to go around the moon and collect data. Images sent by LRO show that the number of folds and cracks on the moon is increasing. Scientists believe that the hot part in the center of the moon is gradually cooling down. By this, the moon is gradually shrinking. That is why folds and cracks are forming in the skin of the moon. Many of the folds and cracks were found to be new. So scientists believe that not only the moon is responsible for this condition, but some other force is working behind it. After extensive research, the researchers found that the Earth is responsible for the shrinking of the Moon.

By quoting the researchers, Genews said, so far it was believed that the tides are created on the earth due to the influence of the moon. Now it turns out that this tide also has a large effect on the opposite moon. According to a mathematical model developed by NASA scientists, this effect is greatest when the Moon is farthest from Earth.

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