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Ayatollah Uzma Khamenei's Fatwa: 'Mourning by bleeding the body is forbidden'

The Dhaka Times Desk Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Uzma Khamenei has issued a fatwa that 'mourning by bleeding the body is haram'.

forbidden to mourn the bloody body

According to the news media, not only the body is bloody, but even to do this secretly, this supreme leader of Iran has forbidden. Iran's supreme leader also said that such actions are not mourning, but the destruction of mourning. Again, he is opposed to mourning by taking off clothes or going bare-chested.

In different parts of the world, people bleed the body in various ways in the name of expressing mourning during Ashura and Muharram. This is especially true among the Shia community. And this issue is creating many negative ideas about the sanctity of Muharram and the mourners.

According to media reports, because of such activities, the enemies of Islam are taking the opportunity to spread various kinds of propaganda about such a great religion as Islam - this is what many leading Iranian scholars think. So they have been warning Muslims to avoid these excesses in mourning. According to the rules of Islam, it is necessary to keep clothes, body and place clean for worship.

So they think that since the blood is impure, the place, body and clothes are also impure by touching it. Therefore, the religious community of Iran has come up with a fatwa that it is forbidden to intentionally defile a holy place like a mosque with human blood for the sake of worship.

The Iranian scholar community believes that those who want to express their grief for the tragic event of Karbala, instead of wasting blood needlessly, go to the hospital and donate blood for the sick, they will be entitled to many rewards.

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