The Dhaka Times
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A hanging mosque under the sea! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk We have seen the news of houses and hotels under water before. But this time heard about a hanging mosque under the sea!

A hanging mosque at bottom of sea

One such underwater hanging mosque is located in Casablanca, Morocco King Hasan II built this mosque. The beauty of this mosque has also increased as the sculptures of this mosque have been enhanced by the intervention of the French company. Anyone who sees the narrow design work on the walls of the mosque will admire this French architect Michel Pinchiu.

The reason for floating the mosque is that to know it, you have to cross the Atlantic Ocean. If you see the mosque from the ship, it will seem as if the mosque is swaying on the chest of the sea. If you listen a little, you can hear the sound of Muslims praying One third of this mosque is located above the blue Atlantic. The rest is under the sea - it would seem. This 22.24 acre mosque has a library, a Quranic school, a discussion room.

1 lakh people can pray together in this mosque. The minaret of the mosque is 200 meters high. The height of the ceiling from the floor is 65 meters. This roof of the mosque opens artificially every 3 minutes. That is why light and air can easily enter inside the mosque. Outside the mosque are 124 fountains and 50 crystal chandeliers. In fact, the unprecedented aesthetic beauty of Hassan II Mosque cannot be believed without seeing. It seems like a wilderness of immense beauty.

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