The Dhaka Times
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The story of a mosque floating in the water!

The Dhaka Times Desk We have seen the news of many amazing events in the world but never heard that a mosque can float on water. Now there is a story of such a mosque for you.

Mosque The story of one floating in the water

One of the Seven Wonders of the World is the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. When you listen to it, you will feel like a huge garden is hanging in the air and swaying in the wind. Actually, that is not the case. From a distance, it seems to be floating, but actually it is not. There is such a mosque in Morocco.

King Hasan II built this mosque in the town of Classabanka. The construction of the mosque was done by the engineers of a French company. The mosque was designed by King Hassan's French architect, Michel Pinchiu.

One of the reasons why the mosque is called floating mosque is that one third of the mosque is located on the Atlantic Ocean. If you see it from a distant ship, it will seem that the mosque is swaying on the waves and the worshipers are praying on the water. The mosque is not small. About 1 lakh people can pray together in this mosque.

The minaret of the mosque is 200 meters high. And the height of the ceiling from the floor is 65 meters. The most amazing thing is that the roof of the mosque opens mechanically every 3 minutes. That is why natural light and free air can enter inside the mosque. But the roof is kept closed during rains.

This huge mosque is situated on an area of 22.24 acres. The main building of the mosque has a library, a Quran school, an orphanage and a conference room. Placed on 2500 pillars, the entire interior of this mosque is tiled. Somewhere wrapped again with gold leaf. There are 124 fountains and 50 crystal chandeliers arranged around the mosque area.

Its construction started in August 1987. This mosque was built in about seven years as a result of the labor of about 25 thousand laborers and craftsmen in two shifts a day. This state-of-the-art mosque cost (then) 800 million dollars to build. Which is about 6 thousand 600 crores in Bangladeshi Taka. The mosque was inaugurated in 1993 on the day of Miladunnabi (PBUH).

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