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The 'garbage' from space will fall on the earth on November 13!

The Dhaka Times Desk The 'junk' from space will fall on the earth on November 13. Scientists are still not sure what the object from space actually is.

Outer space Garbage

London's Daily Independent quoted space researchers as saying that this unidentified object will hit the earth on the morning of November 13. Its likely landfall is 65 km south of Sri Lanka in the Indian Ocean.

According to media reports, the 7-foot-long object has been named WTTF1190F, abbreviated as WTTF. It is not yet clear what this object actually is, but scientists are pretty sure that it is part of something man-made.

Scientists say it could be debris from something connected to the lunar mission. It could also be some debris from the Apollo missions. Scientists of the European Space Agency (ESA) are monitoring the trajectory of that debris, that is, the WWTF.

These researchers work on the trajectory of any object falling from space to Earth and the impact it has on Earth due to its fall.

We don't think WWTF is dangerous, researchers say. We also do not think that any adverse situation will arise due to its collapse. But seeing how this chunk of matter collapses is a real thrill for researchers, says ESA.

Notably, researchers are hoping to get answers to questions like how WWTF was formed or why it is coming to Earth's water after the collapse. Scientists say that if WWTF does come to Earth, it will be the first human-made object to return to Earth without human intervention.

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