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The story of the city that does not reach light source!

The Dhaka Times Desk If there is no light and air, it becomes very difficult for people to live there. There are some stories of the city where the light does not reach for you today!

story does not reach light-receptacle

One such place without light is the polar circle. A report on the experiences of the people living there was published on the BBC. Experiencing life without light is a different experience. How people are living there has come up in this report.

There are several rules that guide our way of life. As we wake up in the morning. Having lunch in the afternoon, breakfast in the evening and dinner at night and going to bed. But these things happen through sunrise and sunset. But if the sun does not rise?

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Imagine waking up and having breakfast. But the sun is not coming from the window, the moonlight! Then maybe we won't have breakfast in our stomach. Regardless of our habits, people from many parts of the world have organized their lives in this way.

According to media reports, people living in the Arctic Circle have a lot of experience. They don't have sunsets on hot days. Again it was seen that the sun does not rise on winter days. Not one day or two, but the same situation for 3 consecutive months. A site called asked them about their experiences. There they told their experiences.

Sai Deepak Vimaraju of India while describing one of his experiences said that he stayed in Trondheim, Norway for 2 months for internship.

Deepak says, 'All the residents there are extremely upset at this time. Because it does not suit their body. But I didn't have any problem. Although I only stayed there for 2 months. I used to sleep after breakfast. But it was hot outside. I don't have a problem sleeping in the light, though.'

At that time, Deepak's daily routine was to sleep after breakfast. Get up again in the afternoon and work from 2:00 to 10:00. 10 o'clock is not night, because the sun can still be seen on the head! After dinner, when Deepak sat down to watch the movie, the sun's brightness did not decrease even a little!

'Desert Bus'! Deepak called this experience as Of course, Deepak also said about one of its advantages, he could have been much more energetic if he had daylight all the time. Being in the light all the time felt like a 'heavenly feeling' to Deepak.

According to media reports, Wilfred Hildon, a resident of Finnmark, Norway. He says in his experience, people become more social on days when the lights don't go off. It can be seen that everyone went out after dinner. The children went down to the field to play cheerfully after having dinner. There is no ban on it. 24 hours will be 3 o'clock!

According to media reports, the name of a small village in Norway in the Arctic Circle is Blake. Resident Frode Sand said, not just light or dark. Bad weather, lots of snow, cold weather all combine to make it difficult to adapt to such an environment. Residents of the region suffer from vitamin D deficiency living in such a climate. And those who can't adapt at all, find a new habitat further south. This is how many started a nomadic life. No one has a hand on nature!

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