The Dhaka Times
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Thousands of Shivlinga in the river!

The Dhaka Times Desk Thousands of Shivlinga are floating in the dry river! Shalmala river in Karnataka, India is a witness to this amazing phenomenon.

Shiva River in thousands thousands

The river is drying up as the monsoons are gone and dry days are coming. Thousands of Shivlinga are seen in the dry river! Within 17 km from Sirsi area of North Karnataka, thousands of Shiv Lingas are gradually emerging in Shalmala river. Locals are shocked to see such a scene!

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Seeing such events, there has been a stir among God-believers. Many tourists are also flocking to this area to see these Shivalingas carved in stone. Many pilgrims gather here even on Shivratri. Nandi is also in front of those Shiv Lingas in the riverbed.

According to media reports, the explanation of historians is that between 1678 and 1718, the king of Sirsi built this Shivlinga and Nandi idol in Shalmala riverbed at Sadashivara. It is believed that shortly after the end of Sadashivaraya's reign, thousands of Shivlingas were lost under the water due to the rise in the water level in the Shalmala river. The dry weather of the past few years has dried up the water and is causing them to boil again.

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It should be noted that there are similar Sahasralingas in the river basins like Karnataka in Cambodia outside India. There are thousands of Shivlingas carved in stone in the riverbed 25 km from the world's largest Hindu temple, Angkor Bhat. Although these Lingas are not worshipped, many tourists from all over the world visit them throughout the year. It is attractive to tourists.

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