The Dhaka Times
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This time, the robot will deliver products from home to home!

The Dhaka Times Desk After the invention of robots, it is being used in many ways in human civilization. Its scope of work is gradually increasing. This time, the robot will deliver products from home to home!

robot & goods

For scientists, research on robots and the use of robots is now very much like Dalbhat. But only the scientists and those companies know what they are thinking of doing to make the robots commercially viable. Currently, scientists are thinking of providing a novel service with robots. And you may not have to wait much longer to get this service. Because they uncover job descriptions, types and even timing.

If you place an order in the supply stores, the items will be delivered to your home. Many such services are operating nowadays. But if you see a robot coming to your house and delivering these ordered products, how would you feel? Strange as it may seem, the residents of London, the capital of the United Kingdom, will see this from next year. UK-based technology website Wired has given these information.

According to media reports, some robots have been built by a company called Starship. The co-founders of the social communication apps 'Skype' are the founders of this company. The company claims that this 6-wheeled robot is capable of carrying at least 9 kg of cargo. This robot will deliver the goods in just half an hour to the nearest distance. People don't have to be friends. The robot will do the work of delivering these products.

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