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Saudi women can be candidates for the first election!

Kuwaiti girls give a victory sign as they stand in front of a polling station in Jahra February 2, 2012. Kuwaitis headed to the polls on Thursday for the fourth time in six years in a snap parliamentary election in which opposition candidates expect to expand their influence. and push for change in the oil-exporting Gulf Arab state. REUTERS/Stephanie McGehee (KUWAIT - Tags: POLITICS ELECTIONS)

The Dhaka Times Desk Saudi women can be candidates for the first election! And so Saudi women for the first time started campaigning last week.

Kuwaiti girls give a victory sign as they stand in front of a polling station in Jahra February 2, 2012. Kuwaitis headed to the polls on Thursday for the fourth time in six years in a snap parliamentary election in which opposition candidates expect to expand their influence and push for change in the oil-exporting Gulf Arab state. REUTERS/Stephanie McGehee (KUWAIT - Tags: POLITICS ELECTIONS)

But according to the code of conduct, they should be separated from men. Moreover, they cannot involve themselves directly in election related activities.

According to media reports, this decision is being considered as a good initiative to elect representatives in the male-dominated country.

According to media reports, about 900 women are going to be candidates in the municipal elections of December 12 in Saudi Arabia. This election gave women the opportunity to lead their own elections for the first time.

Nasima Al-Sadah, a female candidate in the Gulf city of Qatif, told the media, "We want to improve and reform the country, because women must be involved in every decision-making process."

It should be noted that Saudi Arabia has a completely Islamic monarchy. There are no women members of the country's cabinet. Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world where women cannot drive. To go out, women have to cover their heads and then go out. They cannot go outside the house i.e. work or get married without the permission of the male family member.

However, despite all these obstacles, the expansion of women's rights began to take place at a slow pace during King Abdullah's time. He started municipal elections in 2005 and announced that he can participate in these elections in the future.

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