The Dhaka Times
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Are robots going to replace humans?

The Dhaka Times Desk Since the invention of robots, robots have been made one after another. They are being used for various purposes. Currently, a doll robot has been created that is going to be a very human substitute!

robot is going to be the alternative

According to media reports, the Android robot has been named Geminioid F. This robot can also talk. Can laugh like a human. He can turn his eyes again. He even responds when he meets his eyes. He also understands human body language. This new robot can also do things like frowning.

It is known that the skin of the android robot is made of rubber material. And so it looks just like human skin!

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Not only that, many gestures of living people have also been taught to the robot. If you don't know beforehand, you can easily mistake someone for a person.

Geminioid F has already taken the tech world by storm due to such a lively appearance. It is being called as 'the most attractive robot in the world'.

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But one thing is that the robot can't just walk. He is kept in a chair all the time. Mobility is mainly by wheelchair. The robot was the main attraction at the World Robot Exhibition in Beijing, China last week. Scientists from Osaka University's Hiroshi Ishiguro laboratory developed the robot. It cost £72,000 to build. They are planning to make more advanced models in the future.

Assistant Professor Kohei Ogawa said, "In the future, we will use this robot to create a perfect AI (artificial intelligence) system."

Note that this year, this robot was one of the stars of the Japanese film Sayonara. The new robot Geminioid F is the first robot to act as a main character in a film.

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