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Facebook is bringing 'live video streaming'!

The Dhaka Times Desk Social media Facebook is bringing 'Live Video Streaming' to share live video streams with friends.

Live video streaming & Facebook

Social media Facebook is going to add live video streaming feature to its service. With this, Facebook users can easily share live video streams with friends through the feature.

According to CNN, Facebook's new feature will be able to work almost exactly like Meerkat and Twitter's Periscope tool. This live video streaming feature will be added directly to the main site, without adding a standalone social media app, CNN reported. By doing this, it is believed that more Facebook users will get to take advantage of the app.

Like other Facebook features, this new feature will by default only be shared with friends. However, users can change the setting later if they wish. And like Periscope, in this upcoming feature of Facebook, viewers can make any comments during live streaming. Again, the live streamer will also have the opportunity to know how many viewers are watching this video!

The news also said that among the friends who fail to join the live streaming on time, Facebook will not let them down. They can watch that video later on their timeline if they want. Friends will have the option to turn on and subscribe to 'alert' options to receive advance messages about live videos, CNN reported.

According to the news, this new feature is still in the experimental stage. After the launch of the live streaming feature, only a few lucky iPhone users in the US are getting the chance to use it in the first phase. Facebook has yet to say when the feature will be rolled out to everyone.

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