The Dhaka Times
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Some mysterious and interesting facts: which will surprise everyone!

The Dhaka Times Desk Some surprising things happen in the world. There are some mysterious fun facts for you that will surprise everyone!

Mysterious some interesting

Sometimes surprising things happen in the world. Which may remain unknown to us. Let's find out these unknown and surprising facts:

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# While men speak only 2,000 words, women speak an average of 7,000 words a day!

# A ostrich egg is about 24 times larger than a chicken egg!

# famous person 'William Shakespeare' died on his birthday!

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# is surprising - compared to the weight of all the people on earth, all the ants weigh more!

# The largest tribe of Bangladesh is 'Chakma', and the 2nd largest tribe is 'Santal'!

# Half of dream memories disappear within 5 minutes of waking up!

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# A bee swarm can contain at least 30,000 bees!

There are more people alive than # has ever died!

# The world's oldest university is - Morocco's 'Karouin University'!

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Even though # mobile is so widespread, more than 50% of people in the world have not seen a mobile phone yet!

# is impossible to sneeze with eyes open!

# No man can ever kill himself by choking himself (except by strangulation or similar suicide)!

# One fact is that there is no national flower and bird in China!

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