The Dhaka Times
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The story of a 3-year-old wonder child! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Knowing the periodic table is mandatory for science students. But the students are in a difficult situation to memorize it. However, a 3-year-old wonder child memorized those hard facts!

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For many science students, the introduction of the periodic table is a scary moment. But only 3-year-old Brielle in the United States, but it's water!

The reason is that at the age of only 3 years, all the properties of substances in the periodic table are completely memorized. Not only that, he also knows which foods contain which substances. He also has clear ideas about Anu's shape. It's amazing to remember so much at such a young age.

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The famous US show Ellen had a program with this wonder girl. American presenter Ellen DeGeneres continued to ask questions about different substances one after another. And this 3-year-old wonder child Brielle began to answer fluently. When asked how he managed to remember the 118 elements. In every answer he said, all the work is actually the work of this little brain of his. Brielle's proud mother was present at the event. The audience was surprised to see Brielle's talent.

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