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4-year-old Bangladeshi 'wonder child' and Obama's letter! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Suvarna Isaac Bari, a four-year-old child of Bangladeshi origin, lives with his parents in the United States. Already he is being called 'wonder child' or 'little Einstein'!


What did this little miracle child? Impressed by this child's activities, the President of the United States, Barack Obama, wrote a letter to him on November 2. Suvarna was born on April 9, 2012. Suvarna goes to her father's laboratory and learns about different branches of chemistry apart from arithmetic.

In the letter, Barack Obama wrote that, 'Dear Suvarna, I hope you feel proud of your hard work and achievements. America needs more students like you, who strive to work hard in school, dream big and make a difference in our society. Our country faces many challenges. But if we are united, then this will not be a problem to face. Keep up your efforts, I'm with you. I expect a lot from you.'

When Suvarna was only one and a half years old, he memorized the chemistry periodic table. When he was three years old, he experimented with batteries using lemons. At the age of three and a half, he was invited to meet the president of a famous college. The world's leading media including the Voice of America have already spoken to him!

What is the childhood of a four-year-old child? However, it is said that he was very young then. He was suffering from fever in a hospital bed in New York. His father Rashidul Bari said, 'I love you more than anything in the universe.' Suvarna asked her father, 'Universe or Multiverse?'

His father was shocked to hear such words. Little did he know at the age of three that Suvarna would shake the world by showing her skills in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. Currently, Suvarna has created a stir in US universities. Suvarna hasn't started going to school yet. However, he is already giving simple solutions to the complex subjects of chemistry including geometry and algebra!

His father Rashidul Bari told him the story of the periodic table of chemistry when he was only one and a half years old. He said his mother was teaching him math. Suvarna suddenly said, 'If one plus one equals two, then two plus two equals two four and n+n equals two, right?' Rashidul Bari was looking at the examination papers of his students in the next room.

Impressed by his son's talent, Rashidul Bari started teaching him advanced math and science. Thus, at the age of two, he memorized the periodic table of chemistry. This incredible word spread among the students and teachers of the City University of New York.

Gerald Pozman, vice president of Medgar Evers College, came to know about this amazing child's talent. He wants to check Suvarna's mettle. All of the elements in the periodic table were truly surprising to Pozman. He was so impressed that day that Pozman called him again a year later, on November 25 last year.

Then I got a call from Voice of America's Bengali division. His father Barry took him to the Voice of America studios in Washington DC. Sabrina Chowdhury Donna interviewed him there and they selected it as the best junior interview of the year and rebroadcast it on English New Year.

It is known that Subarna's father Rashedul Bari's house is in Chittagong, Bangladesh. After coming to New York for higher education, he studied at Lemon College in the Bronx. He is currently an Adjunct Professor of Mathematics at Baruch College, City University of New York. Also a physics teacher at NewVision Charter High School for Advanced Math and Science. He also writes a regular column in the Jerusalem Post.

On the other hand, Suvarna's mother, Ramon Bari, has a degree in accounting from Bronx Community College. Suvarna's only elder brother Rifat Albert Bari is 12 years old. He also has an extraordinary talent. Studying in seventh grade. Proficient in computer programming in seven languages. So he wants to enter the world famous Harvard University without going to high school. That's why he has already taken the SAT three times. Source:

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