The Dhaka Times
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Great Victory Day today

The Dhaka Times Desk Today is December 16, the Great Victory Day. Nation is celebrating this great day with due dignity. On this day in 1971, the victory of this country was achieved by being free from the enemy.

Victory Day today

Through the sacrifice of millions of people, we have got an independent-sovereign state of Bangladesh. The bloody war that started with the declaration of independence on March 26, 1971. Exactly 9 months after that on 16th December we achieved a victory by defeating the invading forces. Since then we got an independent state, a flag.

Thousands of Bengali years were spent waiting for such a day. The much-desired day was seen on the pages of history as if written in crimson at the end of a struggle on December 16, 1971.

At Dhaka's historic Race Course Maidan (now known as Suhrawardy Udyan), the barbaric Pakistani forces laid down their arms and bowed before the victorious Bengalis. Signed the defeat certificate. An independent Bangladesh appeared on the world map.

In the 9 months of bloody war, the sacrifice of 30 lakh martyrs, the honor of 2 lakh mothers and sisters, won on this day of victory, not only joy, but also pain will ring in the hearts of Bengalis. The nation will remember those known and unknown brave martyrs with humble respect and deep gratitude. Years pass by, enjoying the benefits of the freedom earned in return for their sacrifice. But those who betrayed the nation and joined hands with the murderous Pakistani soldiers during the turbulent days of the struggle. The stigma of not judging those Razakars-Albadars has dimmed this great achievement of the nation.

The trial of the war criminals, which turned into a popular demand, finally began in March 2010, the month of independence. The execution of the war criminal Quader Molla marked the beginning of absolution. After this year, the souls of the martyrs were at peace with the execution of Ali Ahsan Mohammad Mujahid and Salahuddin Quader Chowdhury. And so a new dimension was added to the joy of the nation's victory.

From this morning, festive people will come down the road all over the country. All the memorials of the country will be filled with flowers in humble respect remembering the martyrs. Countless people of all ages will gather at the national memorial in the capital. The altar of the memorial will be covered with flowers of respect.

Today the red-green flag will be flying in homes and buildings, even in all institutions. On the head there will be a ribbon colored in the color of the flag, portrait of the national flag will be drawn. Flag colored clothes will also be part of the festival. Flags will be decorated on the main main roads and road islands of all the major cities of the country including the capital. Today is a public holiday. Important buildings will be illuminated at night. Special meals will be served in hospitals, orphanages and prisons. Special prayers will also be offered in all places of worship including mosques and churches. And this is how the Great Victory Day will be celebrated in various programs.

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