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This Wi-Fi connection in the cemetery!

The Dhaka Times Desk If modern technology can be found everywhere, then why not in the cemetery? That's right, this Wi-Fi connection is given in the cemetery!

Wi-Fi connection in the graveyard

According to a news published in the media, 3 famous cemeteries of Russia are going to enter the digital age. Wi-Fi connection is being provided in those famous 3 graveyards. Relatives or friends who visit the grave can browse the Internet there, again free of charge.

According to the concerned authorities, it has been decided to establish Wi-Fi connection in these 3 cemeteries by the middle of next year.
Artem Yekimov, the officer in charge of those cemeteries in the city, said that such a decision is aimed at the people who are buried in the 3 cemeteries so that people can know about them, find out whose grave is where. Free internet service will be provided so that people can visit these cemeteries more and more.

That is why a survey was conducted. According to the survey, many people do not want to visit cemeteries because they do not have Wi-Fi. The head of the Wi-Fi installation telecommunication company said, "We have undertaken this very touching work with respect to the victims."

Note that these 3 cemeteries in Moscow are very popular. The most popular is a cemetery named Novodevichy. Interesting place for tourists too. Famous people buried in the cemetery include former Russian President Boris Yeltsin, writer Anton Chekhov, former Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev. References:

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