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Mysterious cemetery: Kankar's neck is shackled!

The Dhaka Times Desk A mysterious cemetery has been discovered. There is a shackle on the neck of almost every conker! The bodies were buried in rows in that cemetery.

Mysterious cemetery

According to media reports, recently, in a cemetery in Poland, many bodies with shackles around their necks were found in graves that are at least 400 years old. Archaeologists recently reported on this mysterious cemetery in Poland.

Archaeologists believe that they were buried this way because of the witchcraft and religious practices of the time. These shackled skeletons were found in the Drausko cemetery in northeastern Poland. These individuals were buried in the 17th and 18th centuries. Recently, this strange cemetery was visited by archaeologists from Lakehead University in Canada. Since 2008, 250 graves have been excavated in the cemetery.

A series of shackled skeletons have been observed in recovered graves, media reports said. It shows that every 4 skeletons were found wearing shackles around their necks, but in the fifth grave, shackles were found on the back of the skeleton. There is information that earlier this cemetery was called 'Bloodsucker's Cemetery'. It is believed that the purpose of wearing these fetters was that they could not disturb other people by rising from the grave later!

The researchers also said they are continuing to explore the cemetery. It also includes biomolecular testing of the skeletons. By doing this, the unknown secrets of this cemetery will be revealed - this is what the researchers think.

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