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Iranian President: Muslims have no other option but to unite

The Dhaka Times Desk President of Iran. Hassan Rouhani said, Muslims have no other option but to unite. He called upon the Muslim countries to strengthen unity among themselves to counter the conspiracy.

Iranian President

According to a news of Radio Tehran, the president of Iran. Hassan Rouhani also said, "The Muslim world is currently at a critical juncture." He said this in the opening speech of the 29th International Islamic Unity Conference in Tehran last Sunday.

Dr. Hassan Rouhani said, 'Islam's enemies and big powers have been trying to portray Islam as a religion of violence. Muslims should make maximum efforts to thwart this effort. According to him, at this juncture of history, Muslims have no other option but to extend their hands of unity to each other.

Referring to the ongoing violence, terrorism and genocide in the Middle East, West Asia and North Africa, the President of Iran said. Hasan said, 'These inhumane activities are helping the enemy in degrading the image of Islam.' Criticizing the importation of large quantities of US arms from specific Muslim countries, he said, 'These weapons are either going into the hands of militant groups or are being used against other Muslim countries.

The Iranian president pointed to the anti-humanity activities of the radical Takfiri terrorist group Daesh. Rouhani said that Daesh is recruiting people from economically and culturally backward societies into their party. Therefore, economic and cultural poverty must be removed first from Muslim countries.'

It should be noted that more than 300 international Islamic personalities are participating in this year's conference held in Tehran. At least 175 of them are participating in this conference for the first time.

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