The Dhaka Times
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All the strange rules of the strange country!

The Dhaka Times Desk There are some weird countries in the world that have all the weird rules. You can't help but be surprised when you hear that.

Strange law

All countries have different government regulations to operate properly. But in some countries there are some restrictions given by the government, which is really strange. Some examples of restrictions of some such countries are highlighted.

# government will decide the name of your child! You are surprised! This is what the Danish government has done. There are 24 thousand names selected by the government. The child's name should be chosen from among them. If anyone wants to keep a name outside this list, then he has to take special permission from the government!

Strange law-2

# North Korea imposes a ban on wearing blue jeans. The argument of the government is that it only suits America!

# is a government rule, no lip syncing to recorded music. Such a ban was imposed in Turkmenistan to protect the culture.

# Chewing gum litters the streets, making the streets dirty. Cleaning also costs a lot of money. So Singapore banned the sale of chewing gum 20 years ago.

# Married women cannot drink more than one glass. This is because husbands can divorce them because they drink too much alcohol. Such a fatwa is given in Bolivia!

# can not be fed or used in any way sauce! Such a ban was issued in France. The reason is that sauces spoil the taste of any savory dish.

The video game was banned in Greece in 2002 with # being illegal.

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