The Dhaka Times
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Television can be folded and folded!

The Dhaka Times Desk Advances in technology are making people's lives very accessible day by day. Now comes a discovery that will shock everyone. A TV has been invented that can be rolled and folded.

Television can be folded round ends

Just like other things in the house can be folded when the work is done, just like after watching the television, it is folded or rolled up and kept in the cupboard. It may sound like fiction but in reality this technology is now within reach.

One such television has already been experimentally developed by LG. They are also showing it at the Las Vogue Consumer Electronics World Show. LG has been working on developing such a television for a long time. The display of this television made by them is of high-definition (HD) standard. LG gave the BBC's technology journalist Dave Lee a chance to test out the new television.

According to journalist Dave Lee, the television is practically a screen. It can be rolled up like paper. The screen size of LG's test television is 18 inches.

LG is now planning to make such a 55-inch television. This screen will be of 4K quality. That is, four times better than HD. How would this be possible? LG, however, did not disclose the secret of this technology.
But what is known is that they are now moving to OLED technology instead of LED. OLED stands for Organic LED. There will be no need for a backpanel on this television. Therefore the screen can be bent easily.

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