The Dhaka Times
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Sohana Saba is acting in the film Shishutosh with Ferdous

The Dhaka Times Desk Today's popular actress Sohana Saba is acting in Shishutosh with Ferdous. Shishutosh's film is called 'Parachir Periye'.

children's films Firdous-Saba

Sohana Saba first acted with Ferdous in Kabri's film 'Ayana'. Then after a long break they were seen again in Murad Parvez's 'Brihannala'. Their performances in these two films have been well appreciated. Ferdous and Sohana Saba have teamed up in another new children's film 'Parachir Periye'.

Ferdous told the media that he is not acting in so-called story films recently. Signing only films that carry a particular message. The children's film 'Prachir Periye' is one such film. He liked the story of the film very much.

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'Parachir Periye' directed by Shahanur Ripon will be released in a few days. The shooting of the film will begin in February.

It is to be noted that Ferdous previously acted in two children's films named 'Shobhan Shandwadi' and 'Putra'. Among them 'Putra' is still awaiting release.

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