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Not the waiter, the restaurant will take the order!

The Dhaka Times Desk Not waiters, from now on apps will take orders in restaurants. This time, a new smartphone application sent the waiters away from a restaurant in Beijing, China!

restaurant will order apps

More and more apps are being discovered every day. Which is useful for human civilization. Now these apps are doing most of the work instantly through smartphone. Now a new application of the same smartphone has been launched in a restaurant in Beijing, China. Which is basically the waiters ringing the farewell bell. This new app will now take orders in restaurants instead of waiters.

According to a published news, the buyer does not have to say anything to order through this application. Just by clicking on the preferred menus through the apps, the order will be done. Liu Zheng, the owner of Renrenjiang Restaurant, goes one step further to appreciate the speed at which information technology is advancing in China. He introduced this new method.

China's most popular smartphone apps, WeChat, can be used to order restaurant menus and pay bills at the same time. It states that customers receive a number immediately after placing an order. The kitchen staff prepares the food as per the order. Then the customers are called one by one according to the number and food is delivered.

The owner of the restaurant told the media that they will not need any more waiters in the coming days. No cashier or chef will be needed. From now on everything will be done through these apps!

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