The Dhaka Times
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Prabha is behind the bicycle!

The Dhaka Times Desk TV heroine Prabha has told many stories. He had to stay away from the acting world for some time because of the secret video. That Prabha is now behind the bicycle.

bicycle & Prova

According to media reports, this time Prabha is behind the bicycle. The reason for this is that till now actress Sadia Jahan Prabha used to drive her own car. But he could not ride a bicycle. It happened a few months ago. A character in a play requires him to ride a bicycle. What else to do! Prabha learned to ride a bicycle in just ten minutes in Uttara's Diabari. He also video-captured the moment of learning. Prabha also posted it on Facebook. Prabha calls herself a 'very quick learner'!

Prabha said, 'My friends did not want to believe. They assumed that I had just come off the internet with tips on how to cycle!' Pravar's 'very close friend' happily gifted him a bicycle. And since then Prabha bicycle-lover!

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