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Even if the phone does not come, it seems that the phone is ringing!

The Dhaka Times Desk Even if the phone does not come, sometimes it may seem that the phone is ringing! Have you ever thought you heard your mobile phone ring? Actually the phone did not come.

ringing phone

Maybe it can happen sometimes. But he has nothing to fear. Because you are not alone; There are many others like you who have similar complaints.

Many times it may also seem that your phone in the vibration option has suddenly vibrated in your pants pocket even though you have not received a call.

Philosopher Dr. Georgia Institute of Technology in America. According to Robert Rosenberger, hallucinations or delusions can trigger such events. This is due to anxiety, which is a very normal phenomenon.

Dr. Robert Rosenberger also said that just as technology is changing the world, it is also changing the human brain. Robert Rosenberger has done a study on the impact of technology on our daily lives.

Dr. Robert says people have developed an attitude of being desperate to respond to an email or SMS right away, so it feels like the phone is ringing!

Dr. Robert Rosenberger added, 'This is called phantom vibration. You may have felt the phone vibrating in your pants pocket. Then you take the phone out of your pocket to see if anyone has actually called you or sent you an SMS. He saw that no one actually called you. Again no SMS came. It is nothing more, it is a hallucination or delusion.' Dr. Robert Rosenberger was not afraid of this, but said nothing about how to free oneself from it.

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