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3500 slaves under the control of IS!

The Dhaka Times Desk Such a news shocked everyone. The news is that 3,500 slaves are under the control of IS! This information was revealed in a report jointly published by the United Nations Relief Mission and the United Nations Human Rights Office.

ISO 3500 under control of a slave

According to a report by the United Nations, 3,500 people are being held as slaves by the Islamic State (IS) in Iraq. According to the report, most of these prisoners are women and children.

The report was jointly released by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Iraq and the United Nations Human Rights Office from the United Nations Office in Geneva on Tuesday.

The report also states that the hardline group has committed crimes such as war crimes, crimes against humanity and possible genocide. These crimes are specifically committed against minorities.

According to a report, IS is holding 3,500 people captive and using them as slaves, according to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Iraq and the United Nations Office for Human Rights.

It should be noted that IS has occupied not only Iraq, but also a large part of the neighboring country, Syria. The report also accused Iraqi security forces and other allied groups, including allied Kurdish Peshmerga fighters, of killing and abducting civilians.

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