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IS has banned the veil!

The Dhaka Times Desk Syria and Iraq once made it mandatory for every woman to cover her face. This time ISE banned the veil on the pretext of security!

ISO has banned burqa

The Islamic State (IS) once made it mandatory for every woman in areas under its control to cover their faces in Syria and Iraq. This time they have again banned the veil on the pretext of security.

According to the news of Britain's influential newspaper Daily Mail, IS has introduced this new rule in Iraq's Mosul. The reason is that the veil has now become the cause of their death. Meanwhile, several members were killed in an attack by masked veiled men. That's why IS is not willing to take any risk from now on.

From now on, a new rule has been made that from now on, a black burqa covering from face to feet is enough for anyone to enter the security center. This burkha does not require a separate cloth covering. Moreover, the face can be understood through black clothes. That's why this new rule was finally introduced in Mosul, Iraq to save themselves!

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