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Know home tips to increase internet speed

The Dhaka Times Desk Not a day goes by without internet. This internet has been added to daily necessities like rice and fish. Now know the domestic tips to increase internet speed.

Internet speed

There is no end to the annoyance if the speed is slow while surfing the internet. Sometimes this happens. What should you do if you have a problem today? You can increase the internet speed by yourself without anyone's help.

The first thing to do is to check the download and upload speed. Then there are various websites to check internet speed. For example, or can check the internet speed on your computer through these two sites.

However, be aware that DNS settings can vary the internet speed on your computer. DNS settings should be checked before using broadband. Get custom DNS settings from your service provider. Because default DNS settings are created while using the internet. You use global DNS settings. Global DNS are, Also, IP address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway should be checked.

Moreover, you can keep all types of auto updates to keep the speed correct.

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